
EA Switzerland’s team is formed by the collaboration between the team’s individuals. As we believe that the team will be more productive and can have more impact together, we highly value collaboration.

Examples of behavior:

  1. Sharing ‘shitty first drafts’ and providing each other feedback on those. We often can deliver higher quality and be more productive when we share our first shitty thoughts and support each other developing these.
  2. Sharing personal information that is not directly related to work, during appropriate moments.


EA Switzerland tries to push the borders of what is currently known about doing the most good, and often experiments with best practices. Improving the world and development only happens with active engagement.

Examples of behavior:

  1. Initiating a new procedure or organizing a new event if you notice something could be improved or is missing.
  2. Asking questions if you don’t understand something and trying to do this from a mindset of ‘wondering about’ (scout mindset)
  3. Finishing something urgent even beyond normal working hours, and then find time later the week to make up for it.
